Elsipogtog School
L’nu Kina’masultiek
(Mi’kmaq, Francis/Smith Orthography)
Elno Ginaamasoltieg
(Mi’kmaq, Father Pacifique Orthography)
is located in Elsipogtog First Nation, situated along the Richibucto River within the Siknikt District of Mi’kma’ki, in the Province of New Brunswick.
Our school serves over 350 students in grades Nursery(K4) through Grade 8 from our community of over 3,500.

“We are here for the children.“
“Eymu’ti’kw ujit mijuaji’jk.“
(Mi’kmaq, Francis/Smith Orthography)
“Eimootieg otjit mitjoaatjiithg.“
(Mi’kmaq, Father Pacifique Orthography)

[Our mission is] to provide quality education in a safe and caring environment by revitalizing the Mi’kmaq language and culture, promoting respect, responsibility, skill development and understanding of the Mi’kmaq unique traditions, in partnership with students, families, and the community.
[Our vision is that] every Elsipogtog student will graduate with the skills and understanding to lead a successful, responsible, productive life—a successful holistic life-long journey rooted in the Mi’kmaq language and culture.
[We value] all children to have the ability to learn and the right to an education that cultivates their gifts, [which] reflects the Seven Sacred Teachings—working in partnership with parents [and guardians] so that all children reach their full potential and recognize their unique talents to become wise, thoughtful, and caring adults who are also lifelong learners.
Director of Education
Elsipogtog First Nation – Education Authority
(EFN-EA Inc. Strategic Plan 2021-2025)
13 Autumn Drive
Elsipogtog First Nation, NB
Canada E4W 0B9
Phone: 506-523-8240
Email: info@elsipogtogschool.ca
Fax: 506-523-8235